HB APA's Annual Theatre Guild 2025 Banquet: AWARDS ONLY - Free
APA Theatre Guild Year End Dinner and Awards Banquet - Remember, every Theatre Guild student (all grade levels) is Invited to attend! Including any students with a minor in those departments.
Theme: Oz - Emerald City
Cost: This is a FREE ticket for the Awards Ceremony only (no dinner)
Date: Monday, June 2nd
Arrive: Awards Ceremony 730pm-930pm
Location: Huntington Beach Senior Center 18041 Goldenwest Street in HB (Park View Room)
Everyone is required to obtain a ticket to attend - whether or you are purchasing the dinner ticket, or going for the awards only (free) ticket.
Option #1: 7pm Dinner and Awards $40/each (tix are available on this website - see other option)
“Love at First Bite” buffet dinner menu: Grilled lemon herb chicken, vegetable bow-tie pasta, zucchini & carrots in herb butter, spring garden salad, rolls & a dessert bar.
Vegan tofu option available, just add note at check out (pre-order only)
Option #2: 730PM Awards ONLY no dinner (FREE - limited tickets available)
Awards Ceremony will include: APA Academy Award Nominations, All Department Awards, Thespian Troupe Recognitions, Presentation of APA Letters, Thank you Instructors, Thank you Board & Volunteers, Introduction of incoming 2025-2026 Executive Guild Board, Senior Send Off with APA Blankets and Theatre Guild Senior Gift.
All students and families in acting, dramatic production, technical theatre and costume design are invited to attend. All Theatre Department awards will be presented at our banquet, and all Academy Awards nominations will be announced (but not awarded until the June 7th big APA Academy Awards event).
Any APA student MINORING in Acting/DP/Tech/Costume is also welcome to attend, but remember any senior awards given for your major (and any senior gift, APA letter and APA blanket) will be presented at your other Guild’s banquet (so be sure to attend BOTH banquets to get all your awards and gifts!).
We encourage dressing up for the party theme (so many options!). All tickets (paid or free) must be secured by May 19th.
If you have questions: Danielle Chatt, APA Theatre Guild Treasurer auntiebobo@live.com